Frontend Hack

Inside of web development the main design most commonly used is a “front end” or the website in which the user interacts with. Then there is a “back end” or a webserver that is communicating to the website to upload and download data. One example could be a login system in where the website shows a login page, and the data put into the website is sent over the internet to the backend server which then loads their account onto the website.

This hack will be focusing on the front end side, utilizing HTML, JavaScript, and CSS

HTML vs Markdown

For markdown we can write a heading like


and a paragraph

like this

In HTML, we can make a heading like


And a paragraph like this


In HTML tags, the fields after the first identifying tag are attributes or properties that can be modified about the tag This is most commonly used in anchor tags to change what address they link to

Link 1 Link 2

and in Markdown and HTML, the property could be for the image itself

Markdown: Cool Image


HTML Hack: A wireframe representation

Paragraph Tag: used for text

Div Tag for dividing data

Anchor Tag: Link to a new page Anchor Tag: Link to a new page Div Tag

Paragraph Tag