Shell Commands

wsl: open Windows Subsystem for Linux cd: Changes the directory commands are being executed on git: used mainly to control git through the command line, such as git push, git commit, etc apt: Advanced Package Tool is used to manage packages in Debian Linux distributions like Ubuntu, used for installing updating and removing software. brew: This is mainly for macOS and Linux, and is Homebrew, a software to manage software packages.

Version Control

In the development process, developers use version control. Annotate in your notes what you have learned about version control during this setup process.

How are the files from GitHub placed on your local machine? How do you navigate to those files? The files from GitHub are placed inside of a folder when the repository is cloned from GitHub. To navigate to these files the folder must be opened in Visual Studio Code by either using Ctrl-Shift-P in Visual Studio Code and opening the folder, or using command prompt and using code .

How are the files updated in GitHub? How do you navigate to those files? Files are updated in GitHub by using commits and pushes. These files can be found on the GitHub website in their respective repositories. These files can be in directories and branches that hold verions of those directories. Each push “pushes” the files onto the GitHub repository for access.

How would you update your template of the portfolio_2025 repository? How would you make it more applicable to your specific course? Most importantly, change the _config.yml file and make all the information relevant to me. I chose to add my own navbar, overhaul the entirety of the website’s visuals in terms of color scheme in more, and reinstate the timebox from CSP. I would make it more applicable to my specific course as I believe I would benefit from being able to put specific Java related works inside of the time table in my “timebox” page.

Localhost vs. Deployed Server

Put into words the difference between viewing GitHub Pages running on your localhost machine versus running on a deployed server.

What is the localhost URL for your project? Can anyone else see what you see? The localhost URL for my proect would be on the local address No one else can see what I see because the local address is only for a server hosted locally as a loopback address, being a reserved IP address for testing.

What is the GitHub Pages URL for your project? Can anyone else see what you see? The GitHub Pages URL for my project would be, and everyone on the internet can view the website for it is being hosted on a public domain being GitHub pages.

DNS and GitHub Pages

DNS is the address manager for the internet. Reflect on the following questions

Is there a domain on your GitHub Pages? Yes, my domain is

Is the URL for your GitHub Pages different from your neighbors’ URLs? Did you change the URL? If so, when? Yes because our usernames are not the same. I did not change the URL because that would require me to change my username for a different domain.