Who Am I??

I am Jonathan Liu, and I started coding via horrible Unity games in around sixth grade, but I didn’t take programming as seriously as I did until now.

I have experience in the following languages: C++,HTML,Javascript,CSS,Python, and Unity C#.

I like to play electric/acoustic guitar, piano, play badminton, code, and do 3D art.

Here are some projects I’ve worked on:

A chatting application with the Firebase database, Crescent

A clone of Wordle I made whilst in English class, Wordle Clone

A clone of Minesweeper I made because I hated not being able to use keyboard controls for the game, Minesweeper

An (admittedly buggy) version of Solitaire I wrote while on a roadtrip, Solitaire

A project involving Python, Arduino, Serial Ports, and Minecraft

This was part of a project regarding reading brainwaves, soldering, and Arduino. And many other projects that aren’t noted here such as this

Thanks for stopping by!

Overview of Hacks, Study and Tangibles

Blogging in GitHub pages is a way to learn and code at the same time.