My Reflection on The Computer Science Panel

I intially had forgotten that I would be arriving at the event, but I fortunately joined in right as it started. The people who spoke at the panel spoke about internships, and how AP CSP and AP CSA will prepare me for the future. They spoke at one point on how it was like a lottery to get transfered into a cs course at UCSD, with one even choosing cognitive science.
I intially felt rather inadequete about the whole situation but eventually I realized that there was no point sulking in what I hadn't accomplished but instead look forward to what I will accomplish. One of the panel members spoke about how they used to work at a place called CodeNinjas, and how internships and jobs will bring me success and show initative and commitment to computer science as a whole.
One of the key points that they spoke about was how not everything that someone does towards computer science has to be life changing and revolutionary. One of them spoke about an aim lab website that they made just for fun. What really spoke to me during the speech was just making projects for the sake of making them. I felt as though I was on the right track given I make things just for fun often. Eventually they started speaking about CyberPatriot, Bercel, Svelete, Tailwind and Leetcode which I wasn't all too interested in, with no disrespect to those languages/companies of course. Their last message was to start coding your own personal website, which I have began working on, and may even write about some day.