Home HTML Data Types DOM JavaScript JS Debugging

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Referencing HTML elements using javascript

<!-- the ID must be specified within the element -->
<h1 id="domTitleID">My Title</h1>

<!-- javascript goes here -->
var titleElement = document.getElementById("domTitleID")
<!-- outputs h1 tag -->
console.log("Example #1, show element in DOM")

Getting the data within the HTML element

<!-- the ID must be specified within the element -->
<h1 id="domTitleIDget">My Title</h1>

<!-- javascript goes here -->
var titleElement = document.getElementById("domTitleIDget")
<!-- outputs h1 innerHTML from h1 tag -->
console.log("Example #2, show innerHTML")

Setting the data within the HTML Element

<!-- the ID must be specified on the element -->
<h1 id="domTitleIDset">My Title</h1>

<!-- javascript goes here -->
var titleElement = document.getElementById("domTitleIDset")
titleElement.innerHTML = "Set and Update My Title"
<!-- outputs h1 innerHTML after h1 tag has been updated -->
console.log("Example #3, update innerHTML")

Creating elements

<!-- the ID must be specified on the element -->
<div id="divContainerID">
    <h1 id="h1ElementID">My Title</h1>

<!-- javascript goes here -->
   // creates a new element
   var pElement = document.createElement("p")
   pElement.innerHTML = "Starting a paragraph of text."
   // outputs p tag after it has been created
   console.log("Example #4, create a p tag within JS")

Issue! How to Create element that appears in HTML?


<!-- the ID must be specified on the element -->
<div id="divContainerIDset">
    <h1 id="h1ElementIDset">My Title</h1>

<!-- javascript goes here -->
   // creates a new element
   var pElement = document.createElement("p")
   pElement.innerHTML = "Starting a paragraph of text."
   // outputs p tag after it has been created
   console.log("Example #5, add p tag to HTML")
   // place the p element inside the HTML page
   var div = document.getElementById("divContainerIDset")

Functions in JavaScript, using with DOM

Creeating functions

<!-- the ID must be specified on the element -->
<div id="divContainerIDfunction">
    <h1 id="h1ElementIDfunction">My Title</h1>

<!-- javascript goew here -->
    // define a function => takes parameter text, returns a new p tab
    function createPTag(text) {
        // creates a new element
        var pElement = document.createElement("p")

        // using the parameter like a variable
        pElement.innerHTML = text
        // outputs p tag after it has been created
        console.log("Example #6, add p tag using a function")

        return pElement;

    // using a function to create p tag
    var pTag = createPTag("Starting a paragraph with cooler text than before.")

    // place the p element in the webpage
    var div = document.getElementById("divContainerIDfunction")

OnClick Event

<!-- the ID must be specified on the elements -->
<button id="buttonID">Click here!</button>

<div id="divContainerIDbutton">
    <h1 id="h1ElementIDbutton">My Title</h1>

<!-- our javascript goe here -->
    // define a function => takes parameter text, returns a new p tab
    function createPTag(text) {
        // creates a new element
        var pElement = document.createElement("p")

        // using the parameter like a variable
        pElement.innerHTML = text
        // outputs p tag after it has been created
        console.log("Example #7.1, add p tag using a function")

        return pElement;

    // create a function that sets specific text and adds to div
    function addPTagOnButton() {
        // using our new function
        var pTag = createPTag("Starting a paragraph with text created on button press.")

        // place the p element in the webpage
        var div = document.getElementById("divContainerIDbutton")

        // add p tag to the div
        // outputs p tag after it has been created
        console.log("Example #7.2, update container adding a 'p' tag")

    // add the P tag when our button is clicked
    var myButton = document.getElementById("buttonID")
    myButton.onclick = addPTagOnButton



<div id="topdiv">
    <p id="switchText">This is a paragraph</p>
    <button onclick="switchText()">This is a Button</button>

<div id="bottomdiv">
    <a id='linkA' href="https://spooketti.github.io/portfolio">Here's a link to my portfolio website</a>
    <a id='linkB' href="https://www.team3749.org/">This is a robotics team I'm apart of, Team Optix 3749</a>
    <p>Thanks for Reading</p>

  function switchText()
    document.getElementById("switchText").innerText = "Switched!"
    let linkA = document.getElementById("linkA")
    let linkB = document.getElementById("linkB")

    let linkAhref = linkA.href
    let linkBhref = linkB.href

    linkA.href = linkBhref
    linkB.href = linkAhref

This is a paragraph