CSA Progress

Sprint1: Tools and Software Development Processes

Students should have experience in blogging, coding with Jupyter Notebooks, and GitHub Pages; understnding of Linux, Python, Markdown, HTML, and JavaScript is expected. Students have previously established foundation using essential tools and software development processes. Weeks 0-3 will provide a quick review and students will start their Java coding journey.

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
0 - Tools and Equipment
- Pair Programming
1 - Data Types in Java
- Unit 1 - Primitive & Reference Types
- Unit 1 - Primitive Types
- Unit 1 - Reference Types
- Unit 1 - Stack & Heap Memory
- Unit 1 - Primitive & Reference Types Examples
- Quiz Questions for APCSA Unit 1
- Learning Habits
2 - Pair Showcase
3 - Sprint 1 - Verify Hacks

Sprint2: Java Mini-labs

Students should have understanding of Fundamentals of Programming from Python, JavaScript, or other background. In this Sprint students will become familiar with Java types, booleans, iteration, recursion, using and writing objects through Mini-labs. These labs will introduce AP required aspects of Java, FRQ requirements, and review College Boards 10 Sprints online.

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
4 - Unit 2 - Using Objects
- Unit 6 Arrays P1
- Sprint 1 - SASS Hacks
- Sprint 1 - Frontend Hacks
- Sprint 1 - Tool Memories
- Sprint 1 - Accomplished VS Attempted
- Sprint 1 - Dynamic Blog Themes
5 - Unit 4 - Iteration
- Unit 5 - Writing Classes
- Unit 3 - Boolean P1
- Unit 8 - 2D Arrays Intro - P1
- Sprint 1 - Checklist Sprint One
- Sprint 1 - Notebook Hacks
6 - Unit 7 - Arraylists
7 - Unit 8 - 2D Arrays
- Unit 9 - Inheritance